星期四, 2月 14, 2013

Budapest Opera/Hero tere #6

State Opera House:1884年開幕,是世界最美麗的歌劇院之一,街道兩旁行人道與咖啡座的陪襯,令Opera的優雅展露無遺。Opera內的華麗觀眾席,以往是皇公貴族的社交娛樂場所,其雕琢設計極盡華麗。Designed by Hungarian architect Miklos Ybl, it was opened in September of 1884.

Heroes' Square/Hero tere英雄廣場:紀念Hungary建國一千年,每到重要節日或國賓蒞臨時,Hero tere的衛兵交接儀式。In a colonnade on the sides are fourteen statues of Hungarian heroes, with seven on each side. The square is at the beginning of the City Park (Varosliget). It was built to commemorate the founding of the nation by the Magyars in 896. The centre column contains the statues of seven tribal chieftains who conquered the land, with Arpad at the forefront. On top of the colonnade are statues representing chariots of peace and war, work and welfare, and glory and knowledge.

