星期二, 2月 19, 2013

Budapest Matyas Church/Szentharomsag/Muzeum #8

Matyas Church/Matyas templom馬提亞斯教堂:外觀屬新哥德式的教堂,蘊含了匈牙利民俗、新藝術風格和土耳其設計等多種色彩,特別是一旁的白色尖塔和彩色馬賽七磁磚屋頂。這教堂也是匈牙利國王加冕之處。
Officially named the Buda Church of Our Lady, the church was called the Matthias Church since the 15th century in memory of the “just king”. Located in the Castle District, it was converted into a mosque during the occupation of the Turks until the defeat of the Turks in 1686. It features the ornate white steeple, the highest point on Castle Hill, built in the 15th century. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located above the door the faces the Danube is the finest example of the Gothic stone carving in Hungary.

Szentharomsag ter (Holy Trinity Square) 聖三位一體紀念柱:是18世紀時的當地舊城居民為了紀念黑死病的消除而建,柱子上方有聖父、耶穌以及十字架的雕像,一旁還有一尊St. Stephen雕像,他是匈牙利第一位天主教君主。 It was built in 1713 after overcoming an epidemic of plague. The Baroque-style Holy Trinity Column was originally sculpted by Philipp Ungleich between 1710 and 1713. It was built to commemorate the dead of two outbreaks of plague which struck Buda in 1691 and 1709.

Museum of Fine Arts/Szepmuveszeti Muzeum國立美術館:主要收藏歐洲其他國家的繪畫作品。
Opened in 1906 at the left side of the Heroes’ Square, it was designed in Beaux Arts style, with classical Greek temples on the main façade connected by colonnades.

Palace of Art:This Neo-Classical building was designed by Albert Schickedanz and Fulop Herzog in 1895. It features a six-column portico. The mosaic depicting St. Istvan as the patron saint of fine art was added between 1938 and 1941.
