星期三, 10月 31, 2007

Eason's Moving On Stage 1#1

不能不睇的演唱會, moving on打破傳統

Eason's Moving On Stage 1#2

星期一, 10月 29, 2007


進念起用這個以"電視台"為主題的劇場, 非常創新及大擔. 問題: 一個熄左既電視同一個開著左既電視有甚麼分別?
會場巧遇michael & mini

星期日, 10月 28, 2007

Cocktail Party

Congratulations! She she she ...... models for a living. They are tall and thin ... opposite of me.

星期五, 10月 26, 2007

The Nightmare b4 X'mas

Limited edition gift from amy, thank q
4 pins


星期三, 10月 24, 2007

come or go

星期日, 10月 21, 2007

Wing Shya

溫沙 - The Archives Unlocked exhibition. Exhibition is sponsored and organized by Diesel.

Christopher Dole

Maggie Cheung

Soft and Hard

07 Araon Kwok concert

Twins CD Cover "Evolution"

"號外" - Michael Lau造型照

