星期二, 5月 28, 2013

Any Day Now


星期日, 5月 26, 2013



星期六, 5月 25, 2013


thank you sooo much bros

星期五, 5月 24, 2013



Broken City


星期四, 5月 23, 2013

Liberal Arts


星期三, 5月 22, 2013



The King's Speech 皇上無話兒

兩個男角,我更喜歡Geoffrey Rush謝菲路殊飾演的語言治療師;喜歡這個知所進退的人,在他幽默隨意、狀似漫不經心的外表下,掩藏著多麼嚴謹慎微的自我。

日本咖啡拉花大師Nowtoo Sugi

3D Latte Art of Kazuki Yamamoto

星期二, 5月 21, 2013

Ben & Jerry's雪糕密碼鎖

著名雪糕品牌Ben & Jerry推出的「Ice Cream Lock」雪糕鎖,在密碼鎖的保護下就能確保你的雪糕不會落入他口中,設計相當盞鬼!

Rainbow Warrior


星期一, 5月 20, 2013

Nike Women Studio Pack

專為進行室內鍛煉運動而設。鞋款由柔軟的橡膠鞋底和橡皮綁帶組合而成,於運動前能根據需要將鞋底綁在腳上,既給腳掌提供保護,適合瑜伽或多種室入進行的舞蹈運動,可先綁上絲帶或先穿上鞋套,最後穿上平底防滑鞋,最大作用是減低滑倒或扭傷的機會,更可提升鍛煉的效果。一套三件的STUDIO PACK包括有WRAP、RIBBON及FLAT,每SET更附送一個網袋,方便攜帶之餘亦可作放進洗衣機內清洗之用。



星期日, 5月 19, 2013




unique sculpture

Crunch from Japan

Thankssss for your gift from Japan

Finding Mr. Right《北京遇上西雅圖》





星期六, 5月 18, 2013

The Imposter

The Imposter is a 2012 British documentary film about the 1997 case of the French confidence man Frédéric Bourdin, who impersonated Nicholas Barclay, a Texas boy who had disappeared at the age of 13 in 1994.

星期五, 5月 17, 2013

Hemingway & Gellhorn

海明威 Ernest Hemingway (Clive Owen飾)同其第三任妻子Martha Gellhorn (也是著名的戰地記者)(Nicole Kidman飾)的情感糾葛,他們於1936年一間名為Key West的小酒館中相遇,他們1940年結婚,在歐洲蜜月旅行期間寫出了他的名著《For Whom the Bell Tolls》。不過,二人都專注於自己的記者事業,聚少離多讓二人於 1945年離婚。
made me thinking wonderful trip in Cuba

Stained Glass Water Tower By Tom Fruin in Brooklyn

Made up of 1,000 pieces of salvaged plexiglas, Fruin's installation will sparkle in front of the Manhattan skyline until June.

星期四, 5月 16, 2013

Red Dot Award

由設計師Eric Wang設計的Bullion掛鐘,由3層不銹鋼金屬部件组成。最頂部的金屬結構周圍分佈著12個激光放射器,以紅色光點標示小時並投射到牆上。而中間及最底層的部分分别裝有一個旋轉式激光放射器,代表著時針與分針,時尚得來又具現代感,設計更獲得了2012紅點概念設計大獎。



星期二, 5月 14, 2013

Secret Anti-Abuse Message


負責海報印刷的廣告公司Grey Spain表示,海報採用了透鏡印刷(lenticular printing)技術,結合兩張圖像印製出來,「海報上的部分畫面文字,只有10歲以下孩童才能看見,成人則只能看到警告信息」。Anar表示,他們希望海報能幫助孩童建立信心撥打電話求助。

Welcome to the Punch

英國新銳導演Eran Creevy執導,帶來邁可曼式的英國古典黑幫電影。

Virgin Group : Richard Branson

願賭服輸的維珍集團老闆 Richard Branson 爵士化身空姐,於昨天亞航由澳洲柏斯往吉隆坡的慈善航班服務乘客。

3年前,Richard在阿布扎比跟亞航老闆 Tony Fernandes 輸賭自己的一級方程式車隊比對方快衝線。輸者要在對方的航空公司做一日空姐。Richard 說他從沒想過自己會輸,才會口出狂言。

但他這天當空姐絕不馬虎:在人前剃腳毛、穿上制服、化濃妝……只欠剃鬚與高跟鞋。他在機上亦有進行廣播、派餐等日常機組人員工作。在航班起航前更與 Tony 親吻鬧著玩,盡顯「玩得」本色。

是次航班的盈餘會撥捐星光兒童基金會 (Starlight Children’s Foundation) ,幫助患慢性危疾的兒童。

Angelina Jolie

祖莉撰文「My Medical Choice」投稿至《紐約時報》,解釋自己這項決定,表示自己家族有基因缺陷,較易患上乳癌及卵巢癌,故決定接受手術。她把自己的故事公開,希望鼓勵更多女性接受基因測試。
《My Medical Choice》全文
MY MOTHER fought cancer for almost a decade and died at 56. She held out long enough to meet the first of her grandchildren and to hold them in her arms. But my other children will never have the chance to know her and experience how loving and gracious she was.
We often speak of “Mommy’s mommy,” and I find myself trying to explain the illness that took her away from us. They have asked if the same could happen to me. I have always told them not to worry, but the truth is I carry a “faulty” gene, BRCA1, which sharply increases my risk of developing breast cancer andovarian cancer.
My doctors estimated that I had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer, although the risk is different in the case of each woman.
Only a fraction of breast cancers result from an inherited gene mutation. Those with a defect in BRCA1 have a 65 percent risk of getting it, on average.
Once I knew that this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much I could. I made a decision to have a preventive double mastectomy. I started with the breasts, as my risk of breast cancer is higher than my risk of ovarian cancer, and the surgery is more complex.
On April 27, I finished the three months of medical procedures that the mastectomies involved. During that time I have been able to keep this private and to carry on with my work.
But I am writing about it now because I hope that other women can benefit from my experience. Cancer is still a word that strikes fear into people’s hearts, producing a deep sense of powerlessness. But today it is possible to find out through a blood test whether you are highly susceptible to breast and ovarian cancer, and then take action.
My own process began on Feb. 2 with a procedure known as a “nipple delay,” which rules out disease in the breast ducts behind the nipple and draws extra blood flow to the area. This causes some pain and a lot of bruising, but it increases the chance of saving the nipple.
Two weeks later I had the major surgery, where the breast tissue is removed and temporary fillers are put in place. The operation can take eight hours. You wake up with drain tubes and expanders in your breasts. It does feel like a scene out of a science-fiction film. But days after surgery you can be back to a normal life.
Nine weeks later, the final surgery is completed with the reconstruction of the breasts with an implant. There have been many advances in this procedure in the last few years, and the results can be beautiful.
I wanted to write this to tell other women that the decision to have a mastectomy was not easy. But it is one I am very happy that I made. My chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87 percent to under 5 percent. I can tell my children that they don’t need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer.
It is reassuring that they see nothing that makes them uncomfortable. They can see my small scars and that’s it. Everything else is just Mommy, the same as she always was. And they know that I love them and will do anything to be with them as long as I can. On a personal note, I do not feel any less of a woman. I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my femininity.
I am fortunate to have a partner, Brad Pitt, who is so loving and supportive. So to anyone who has a wife or girlfriend going through this, know that you are a very important part of the transition. Brad was at the Pink Lotus Breast Center, where I was treated, for every minute of the surgeries. We managed to find moments to laugh together. We knew this was the right thing to do for our family and that it would bring us closer. And it has.
For any woman reading this, I hope it helps you to know you have options. I want to encourage every woman, especially if you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, to seek out the information and medical experts who can help you through this aspect of your life, and to make your own informed choices.
I acknowledge that there are many wonderful holistic doctors working on alternatives to surgery. My own regimen will be posted in due course on the Web site of the Pink Lotus Breast Center. I hope that this will be helpful to other women.
Breast cancer alone kills some 458,000 people each year, according to the World Health Organization, mainly in low- and middle-income countries. It has got to be a priority to ensure that more women can access gene testing and lifesaving preventive treatment, whatever their means and background, wherever they live. The cost of testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2, at more than $3,000 in the United States, remains an obstacle for many women.
I choose not to keep my story private because there are many women who do not know that they might be living under the shadow of cancer. It is my hope that they, too, will be able to get gene tested, and that if they have a high risk they, too, will know that they have strong options.
Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.

星期日, 5月 12, 2013

Maison Eric Kayser

全球有85間分店(餐廳在法國境外,日本、紐約、杜拜、新加坡等) Maison Eric Kayser 麵包糕餅店暨餐廳,用天然酵母烘焙出的手工麵包。

在1996年以自己名字 Eric Kayser 在巴黎成立首間麵包店,Eric 的曾祖父、祖父、父親以至他本人4 代均為麵包師,堪稱麵包烘焙世家。他在家鄉法國獲得過其他麵包師的教導,也曾在國立烘焙學院(INBP)任教。要烘焙出優質的麵包,就是用天然酵母並以長時間來發酵,並不添加防腐劑。他發明了一部 Fermentolevain 機器,有助把天然酵母保持在理想的溫度下使用,酵母混合麵粉(使用法國、南韓及泰國產地)成麵糰,再經過大約 12 小時的發酵過程,再烘焙不同的麵包。這種方法做出來的麵包會透出自然的麥、牛奶、榛子的氣味,外層微脆,切開後可見明顯的氣孔,質地鬆軟富彈性。

