星期日, 3月 31, 2013

Budapest Beer Beer貢 #26

Tapaella Grill


星期六, 3月 30, 2013

Budapest Overview #25

A Wonderful Sunset over Buda Castle
 Parliament n Chain Bridge
 Buda Castle n Chain Bridge
 A Beautiful Sunset Over Parliament n Chain Bridge
 A Beautiful Sunset

Budapest Liberty Bridge #24

The Szabadsag hid (Liberty Bridge) connects Buda & Pest across the River Danube. It's the third southernmost public road bridge in Budapest.

A beautiful sunshine over the Liberty Bridge


盧巧音 "Buy you a future"postcards



國際知名意籍大廚 Mario Batali 旗下獲獎無數的拉斯維加斯高級扒房Dry Aged 牛扒,風味靚扒和專為新店創作的菜式同步登場。

蘸麪包的牛油及豬油 (是此店的撒手鐧)
 free soup
 Bone Marrow簡單加上香草調味烤熟已很美味
Dry Aged熟成期進入第 60 天,肉扒質素突飛猛進,無論肉味濃度和肉質軟度均有極佳風味,由此得出愈存久效果愈佳的結論。為了應付香港店的需要而在九龍區自設熟成儲藏室,牛扒置於攝氏 1-3 度、濕度 85-90 度的儲藏室 60-80 天。
(右側) Ribeye燒至半熟的效果最佳,就在刀鋒割開牛扒當刻,濃郁牛香飄散,享用細嫩無渣的肉質之時,絕無血水滲出的可怖情況。
(左側) Mashed Potatoes意大利軟芝士薯蓉配豬頰肉及水煮鴨蛋。


導演:Robert Zemeckis
主演:Denzel Washington....Whip Whitaker / John Goodman....Harling Mays / Kelly Reilly...Nicole Maggen

星期五, 3月 29, 2013


Robert Pattinson飾演年輕才俊,坐擁億萬身家及大型企業,但他在一天內卻經歷了事業挫敗及價值觀的衝擊。電影改編自2003年的同名小說,當中寄寓資本主義的崩潰。David Cronenberg指今日拍成電影,因美國近年經歷過金融海嘯及佔領華爾街事件,故事更有着現世的映照,所指的已非美國,而是全球的縮影。

星期四, 3月 28, 2013


國際名牌Hermès 2013年春季新品T恤91,500美元(約71萬港元),因為它真的是「鱷魚恤」,相信是全球最貴T恤。全以黑色真鱷魚皮縫製,買家還要額外支付8,000美元(約6.2萬港元)銷售稅,T恤總額盛惠99,500美元(約77.2萬港元)。同系列其他鱷魚皮服飾價錢介乎6萬至10萬美元(約46萬至78萬港元)。

星期二, 3月 26, 2013



星期日, 3月 24, 2013

Budapest Parliament #23

More than a 100 years after it first opened, Hungary's Parliament building remains the city's primary source of civic pride. 

The neo-Gothic building was designed by Hungarian architect Imre Steindl (a professor at Budapest Technical University, who won an open competition held to find an architect for the building. Inspired by London's Houses of Parliament), and built between 1885 and 1902. It consists of 691 rooms, 10 courtyards, and 29 staircases. 88 pounds of gold were used for the staircases and halls. It also has 24 towers with arches and high windows, 90 statues of historical figures of Hungary, and 242 allegorical statues.

This magnificent edifice is filled with paintings, frescoes and tapestries by renowned Hungarian artists. The interior can only be seen by joining one of the guided tours, which take place when Parliament is not in session.

Ronald Reagan carved statue背後的國會
The Hungarian Houses Parliament is the third largest parliament building in the world

Kossuth Memorial, ParliamentThe original monument was inaugurated on November 6, 1927 to honour Lajos Kassuth, the Regent-President of Hungary, who led the 1848 revolution. Designed by Janos Horvay, the monument depicted members of the first Hungarian parliamentary government. It was dismantled in 1950, and replaced with a new statue of Kossuth, and six other figures.