星期一, 3月 28, 2016

Be Inspired @Landmark Atrium

Show Time, Architect Rocco Yim

Immerse yourself in Vision Tunnels, a stunning aerial installation floating above the Landmark Artium. Journey through each of the three tunnels to explore their distinct themes: Heritage of the Masters, Visionaries of Modern Art and Contemporary Voices. The unique design showcases masterpieces by acclaimed artists including Chu Teh-Chun, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Salvador Dali and Yayoi Kusama, valued at over HKD100 million

Studio of Sir Peter Paul Rubens

 Eric Baudart / Pierre`Auguste Renoir
 Visionaires of Modern Art
 Luis Chan
 Salvador Dali
 Yinka Shonibare MBE
 Angel Vergara
 Yayoi Kusama
 Adrian Wong
 Tseung Kwong Chi
 Yan Lei

え坂金 @Central


星期六, 3月 26, 2016

The Lobster《單身動物園》


Be Inspired @Landmark Atrium

Immerse yourself in Vision Tunnels, a stunning aerial installation floating above the Landmark Artium. Journey through each of the three tunnels to explore their distinct themes: Heritage of the Masters, Visionaries of Modern Art and Contemporary Voices. The unique design showcases masterpieces by acclaimed artists including Chu Teh-Chun, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Salvador Dali and Yayoi Kusama, valued at over HKD100 million

Before show time

Art Basel Hong Kong 2016

Gabriel Barredo

A Thief Caught in the Act by Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg ~ 鳥兒正要偷吃散落桌面的藥丸,但因在聚光燈下而產生看似被當場抓獲的情景,令牠們驚恐、愧疚和訝異的表情變得一目了然。
Chandeliers for Five Cities by Kyungah Ham ~ 在家門前發現一張北韓宣傳單張,自此思考自己如何能用類似的方法,來把她的訊息穿越北韓與南韓之間的邊界。

BMW Art Car ,展出是1976年由 Frank Stella 設計的 BMW 3.0 CSL

Texas Burger @Tin Hau

Mature Cheddar Beef Burger

The Socialhouse @Tai Hang

Sauteed Mediterranean Style Calamari 地中海式香辣魷魚

Tiger Prawns Angel Hair Pasta 虎蝦天使麵
Roasted Spanish Castilian Suckling Pig 招牌燒乳豬 ~ 教人顱歎,入口香滑又juicy,味道濃淡得宜

Asia Contemporary Art Show @Conrad Hong Kong Hotel

星期日, 3月 20, 2016


美國同性婚姻合化法問題糾纏 20 年,聯邦最高法院結果在去年 6 月終通過歷史性裁決,裁定同性伴侶有權在全美國任何地方結婚。或因此,近期湧現有關性別平權電影,繼《愛是最大權利》、《跨性有話兒》等,接着上映新片有《卡露的情人》及《丹麥女孩》。
《卡露的情人》 sheshe禁戀
電影改編自犯罪小說家 Patricia Highsmith 於 50 年代以筆名撰寫的小說《The Price of Salt》,其作品如《Ripley's Game》(曾兩度改編成電影《怒海沉屍》及《心計》),已不乏同性戀的描寫,《卡露的情人》就直接着墨一段女女苦戀,繼而呈現當時極為保守的社會價值觀。
姬蒂白蘭芝飾演的貴婦 Carol,代表了富裕中產階層,生活平穩卻寂寞,潛藏性傾向被正常婚姻關係所遏抑;朗妮瑪娜則是到紐約追夢的售貨員 Therese,屬理想世代。二人邂逅於聖誕前夕,到百貨公司「濕平」的 Carol 一眼就看中櫃枱後的 Therese,進而主動展開追求,由物質至情慾,從內至外將一個懵懂少女帶入大觀園。
Carol 毅然跟 Therese 出走,二女旅途上愛得天昏地暗,這段秘戀最終還是被丈夫派來的私家偵探所識破,Carol 面對兩個選擇,一是放棄一切遠走高飛,一是為子女撫養權接受丈夫協議……
姬蒂白蘭芝再度發揮神級演技,由最初以為可對這段感情作出操控(二人關係從購物開始,有着施與受的影射),最後仍是逃不過世俗的枷鎖,其無奈、不甘、愧疚逐層呈現,演得神采發揚。兩個女角前後亦有明顯關係逆轉,Therese 最後尋獲理想,迎向思想解放的 60 年代;Carol 則繼續活於金玉其外卻欠缺自我的世界,有如兩個時代的對照。

The First Floor by Lifestyle Federation @Central

Butter (肉桂、海鹽、蒜、純)
Foie Gras Ballotine, Homemade Jam Brioche, Blueberry Gelee
Spanish Red Prawn, Saffron Risotto 
 French Spring Chicken, Wild Rice, Asparagus, Baby Carrot, Onion, Button Mushroom