星期一, 12月 31, 2012

Vienne Ankeruhr/Burgtheater/Opera Hse #6

Anker Clock︰位於連接安卡保險公司兩棟大樓間的迴廊上,音樂鐘每逢整點報時,會隨著鐘聲出現奧地利歷史人物的人偶,1點出現一個,2點出現兩個,中午12點會出現12個人偶一起報時。
This clock (built 1911-1914) was created by the painter and sculptor Franz von Matsch and is a typical Art Nouveau design.
It forms a bridge between the two parts of the Anker Insurance Co's Building. In the course of 12 hours, twelve historical figures or pairs of figures move across the bridge. Evey day at noon, all of the figures parade, each accompanied by music from its era.


Opera House國家歌劇院︰是全球公認第一流的歌劇院
