星期日, 6月 28, 2009


Sequined Jacket: Some of the proceeds from the auction will benefit the MusiCares Foundation of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, which hosts the Grammy Awards every year.

White Spandex Glove: Jackson's iconic glove, covered in Swarovski crystals is estimated at $10,000 - $15,000.

Painting of the Pop Star: A framed portrait of Jackson by the artist Norman Oak is one of the items up for sale at the auction, which will run from April 22 to 25. The estimated sale price of this item is $4,000 - $6,000.

A Public Tribute: A man listens to a Michael Jackson album in front of a special section in memory of the late superstar at a Tower Records Japan store in Tokyo.

Los Angeles: A memorial features Jackson's trademark glove outside the UCLA Medical Center, where he passed away.

Poland: A woman cries as she remembers Michael Jackson during a memorial gathering in Warsaw.

Contemplation: Girls attend a memorial in Karachi, Pakistan.

A Star is Gone: Fans gather around Jackson's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, early Friday morning, following the news of his death. Jackson has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: one for himself and one as part of the Jackson Five.

Love Always: A tribute to Michael Jackson lies on the ground outside the O2 Arena in London. This was meant to be the site of Jackson's 50-date comeback tour, which was scheduled to start in July.
photos by Times

星期六, 6月 27, 2009


moonwalk in heaven
u r not alone, i'm here with u
we miss mj

星期一, 6月 22, 2009



星期一, 6月 15, 2009

happy gathering

thx for the gift

星期日, 6月 14, 2009

Dream Catcher Jar

a dream is a promise u give to yrself
or share with someone u love
it's a treasure more precious than gold
this dream catcher jar is the perfect place
for the shining dreams it can hold

v sweet, thanks so much l si

Coco avant Chanel (2009)

Chanel創辦人 Coco Chanel位於巴黎 Rue Cambon31號 Chanel故居內的水晶燈,隱藏着「 G」、「 5」及「 W」 3個神秘符號, G代表她本名, 5是她的幸運數字, W是她一生最愛西敏公爵。一直以來世人對 Coco Chanel的感情生活都充滿好奇,愛上她的全是達官權貴,並非她美貌絕倫,而是她的自信、獨立最引人。

Garbrielle Chanel被喚作 Coco,是她在窮困時到酒廊唱歌,一把雞仔聲而被人起的花名。出身清貧、冇人事關係、讀書不多,但運用她出色的裁縫天賦,改變命運。要知道 Chanel服裝由最著名的 Lesage廠造,當年飾物工場 Gripoix廠更只幫 Chanel一個品牌製造,工匠全人手鑲嵌每 1件飾物。電影服裝設計大部分由'04法國凱撒大獎服裝設計獎得主 Catherine Leterrier負責,其餘部分由 Chanel贊助, Catherine更為電影起了間製衣工場,造 Chanel早年的設計成品,帽子也製作了近 800頂,可見導演刻意突出 Chanel最馳名的手工,戲內就不乏主角 Audrey Tautou在工廠內縫紉的片段。

劇本雖寫愛情,又寫得不算太深刻。有趣的是寫出了上世紀初歐洲上流社會之間,在婚姻以外的男與女關係的一些獨特情形。Audrey Tautou演可可香奈兒,可能是她自天使愛美麗以來最能發揮的角色。少女情懷,周旋於兩男之間的情愛,及最結末的CATWALK一幕,又一代表作誕生,不用只背負著"愛美麗"的重擔。要看眾多美麗時裝,也要待最後一幕。

@Madrid, Spain

W hotel

a hip style hotel

星期五, 6月 12, 2009





是,人工美貌跟天生麗質面臨同一個敵人:時間。沒有一勞永逸的手術,可以擊敗這個不死的天敵。所以,聰明的女人容的是腦,而非殼。經濟低迷,生存壓力劇 增,一項針對低成本生活的調查報告指出,絕大多數女性認為,「自我培訓」和「社交應酬」的開支比裝身美容更加重要,可見,越來越多的女人重視的是自我充值 及融入外界的能力,而不僅僅是亮麗的外殼。


by 高慧然


Thank q CC suggestion and arrangement, 如沒有她的提議,我會錯失參觀這個優美的教堂




Limited Edition of Box Set

被困因luo guo

happy to see all

星期二, 6月 09, 2009

lovely niece

15 months old

happy bd to my lovely Oi Ching

5 years old

星期日, 6月 07, 2009


photos by michaelmichaelmichael

摩洛哥-Casablanca #42

Casablance to HK


Casablance airport, i dont like the custom ... made us angry