星期三, 4月 30, 2008
星期一, 4月 28, 2008
McDonald's 2008
"Next to tap into this world is British fashion designer, Bruce Oldfield, he unveiled his latest collection for the staff at McDonald's in Britain yesterday. He has created a range for the fast food giant's 67,000 UK staff, the range consists of a black and mocha polo shirt, black cargo-style trousers, a black and mocha baseball cap and black belt and apron. Managers will be differentiated by wearing black suits with white or biscuit colored shirts, with the choice of three ties. I still don’t think the designs are that great, doesn't even come close to being as hip as the one's developed in Hong Kong. Does this make you want to work at McDonald's?"
星期日, 4月 27, 2008
摩洛哥-Rabat #7
估不到回教世界的摩洛哥,貓咪一樣受到寵愛,通街的野貓非常多,牠們可非常自由地出入各大景點及大小街巷,不怕人,反而甚少見到狗,非洲貓應該是幸福的一群 。
遊覽Chellah之際,LMK發現四隻小貓,立刻為牠們拍照,怎料小貓成為一個景點,其他遊客也即時舉機拍攝 。
標籤: travel-morocco
摩洛哥-Rabat #6
Chellah始建於13世紀,城內可分成三部分遊覽 -城牆、花園城和遺跡。雖然1755年葡萄牙發生了大地震,但慶幸城牆並沒有受到嚴重的影響。穿過城牆後便是花園城,遊人可在觀景台飽覽布里里河城平原的風光。從花園城往下走,便是Chellah的遺址。
標籤: travel-morocco